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Kindergarten Registration

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Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-26 school year opens on January 31, 2025

NCSD utilizes online registration for the electronic portion of enrolling NEW students into the district, including kindergarten students. 

*Oregon state law requires students to be age 5 on or before September 1st to enter Kindergarten.

Looking for Preschool Opportunities?

Pre-K Resources Page

School Choices

If you would like to explore school options other than your neighborhood school, learn more about our magnet and charter programs below.

Magnet Programs

Our magnet programs are open to any student who lives in the North Clackamas District. Each program has a specialized application and lottery process, so please visit those pages for further information. District transportation is provided.

Charter Schools

Our district-sponsored charter schools are open to any student who lives in the Portland-metro area. Families must provide transportation.

Let's Get Registered!! 

Follow the steps below to register your student! 

1) What do you need to complete online registration? 

  • Online registration should be accessed using a full-size web browser on a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet. Cell phone browsers are not recommended. 
  • You will need an email account. Don't have one? Get a free one through Gmail.
  • Online registration requires a ParentVUE account. 
    • Parents who are completely new to NCSD will need to create an account as part of the process. Click here to create a ParentVUE account.
    • Current and former NCSD parents will need their ParentVUE username and password OR the ParentVUE Activation Key, which can be provided by your school.

2)  Finding your school

mother and daughter sitting together on couch looking at mobile phone

Geographical boundaries determine the attendance area for neighborhood schools. As part of the online registration process, your school will be automatically connected to your address. Families new to NCSD can find helpful information on the School Boundaries page or look up their school ahead of time by entering their address into the NCSD School Locator

3) To enroll your student, follow the steps below:

1) Gather documentation. To make the process smooth and convenient, please have the following information available:

  • Student's Proof of Age (Birth Certificate or affidavit)
  • Emergency Contact phone number
  • Doctor and Dentist office contact information
  • Immunization dates- click here for more information 
  • Proof of NCSD residency (e.g. utility bill, rental agreement or mortgage statement)
  • Custodial documentation (if applicable)
  • ODE Dental Screening Certification Form* (if unable to print or upload this document, your school secretary will have copies for you in the office. *Not required to register.

2) If you need help navigating at any time during the online registration process, consult the Registration FAQ Page

3) Begin online registration using the appropriate link below:

4) Once you have submitted your online registration, please contact your student's school to receive additional information from the school and complete the registration process.

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